I invite you to read Pedestria – An Autoless City and study its 2 accompanying maps. The entire book and its maps can be viewed online or downloaded to your computer. The book and maps are available in both Metric and English unit versions (meters, kilometers, hectares and feet, miles, acres).
Pedestria is a hypothetical design which illustrates the unique nature of an autoless city. The maps (side 1 and side 2) illustrate the design and layout of the city and include a variety of details. The maps are the most important part of this work. I recommended that you look extensively at them and refer to the book as needed. Chapter 2 of Pedestria – An Autoless City provides an overview of the city/map.
• Autoless (but not vehicleless)
• Transit, pedestrian, and bicycle oriented
• Environmentally benign
• Compact and consolidated
• Modern and technologically advanced
• Affordable
• Energy efficient, green, healthy and sustainable
• Finite in size by design in both area and population
• Reproductive
• A hypothetical design illustrating the unique nature of an autoless city
In Pedestria anyone can travel anywhere, anytime, quickly and conveniently, for FREE.
Pedestria is a better city without automobiles. It is nearly nonpolluting, sustainable, economical, and human in scale. It is an urban design that offers great hope for improving future human conditions throughout the world. Autoless cities such as Pedestria represent the future of human habitation.
Who should read Pedestria?
If you are involved in or have an interest in any of the following professions or fields of study you will want to read Pedestria – An Autoless City: urban studies, city planning, architecture, civil engineering, sustainability studies, urban renewal, planned unit development, comprehensive planning and futuristic cities.
If you are concerned about any of the following urban issues you will want to read Pedestria: air pollution, water pollution, urban sprawl, traffic gridlock, transportation, mass transit, pedestrian access, bicycle accommodations, community development, green building, LEEDS, sustainable and environmentally benign development.
It is hoped you will find this website and Pedestria – An Autoless City and its maps both informative and thought provoking. Please feel free to give feedback or make suggestions via my contact page. If you think an autoless city is a good idea, please feel free to share this website with your friends and colleagues.
Doug Windes
Meet Doug Windes,
Author of Pedestria
Doug Windes has worked in the transportation field most of his career, working for the City of Portland, Oregon, USA — a city respected world-wide for its commitment to public transit and alternative means of travel. He was in the Transportation Engineering Department for 30 years as a draftsman and also worked in various other capacities.
As a life long student of the urban condition and as an occasional world traveler, Doug has witnessed first hand the enormous impact the automobile has had on the urban fabric. He views the creation of the autoless city as vital to the improvement of our human evolution into the future.
Special Thanks to my wife Betty for her enormous help with proof reading, editing and general advice. Also, special thanks to my daughter Lucy for her expert help with photo selection, and Photoshop work.
Thank you both.